Some Important Phobia in English Asked in SSC Railway
Acousticophobia: Fear of Noise
Achluophobia OR Scotophobia: Fear of Darkness
Acrophobia Fear of Heights
Aerophobia OR Aviophobia Fear of Flying
Agoraphobia Fear of Being in Open or Crowded Places
Ailurophobia Fear of Cats
Algophobia Fear of Pain
Anglophobia Fear or Dislike of England and English People
Apiphobia Fear of Bees
Aquaphobia OR Hydrophobia Fear of Water
Arachnophobia Fear of Spiders
Arithmophobia OR Numerophobia Fear of Numbers
Automysophobia Fear of Being Dirty
Astraphobia OR Tonitrophobia
OR Ceraunophobia OR Brontophobia Fear of Thunder or Lightning
Bibliomania Obsession for Books
Cacophobia Fear of Ugliness
Carcinophobia Fear of Cancer
Catoptrophobia OR Spectrophobia Fear of Mirrors
Chromophobia Fear of Colours
Chronophobia Fear of Future and Passing Time
Claustrophobia Fear of Small/Confined Spaces
Cynophobia Fear of Dogs
Demophobia OR Enochlophobia Fear of Crowds or Mobs
Electrophobia Fear of Electricity
Entomophobia Fear of Bugs and Insects
Gamophobia Fear of Marriage or Commitment
Genophobia OR Coitophobia Fear of Sex
Glossophobia Fear of Public Speaking
Gynaecophobia Fear of Women
Hamartophobia Fear of Sinning or Errors
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Fear of Long Words
Iatrophobia Fear of Doctors
Ichthyophobia Fear of Fish
Iophobia OR Toxiphobia Fear of Poison
Katsaridaphobia Fear of Cockroaches
Important Phobia which is asked in Bank ssc chsl, cgl railways
Reviewed by ssc guru trick
June 21, 2018

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