150 Banking Abbreviation
Here are given Some important Banking abbreviation which is asked in IBPS Nabard LIC AAO and many competitive exams
1) SFMS stands for –
Ans :- Structured Financial Messaging Services,
2) What is the full form of SHG?
Ans :- Self Help Group,
3) FEDAI stands for –
Ans :- Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India,
4) ALCO stands for –
Ans :- Asset Liability Committee,
5) ALM stands for –
Ans :- Asset Liability Management,
6) EXIM bank stands for –
Ans :- Export and Import Bank of India,
7) What is the full form of NABARD?
Ans :- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development,
8) SIDBI stands for –
Ans :- Small Industries Development Bank of India,
9) What is the full form of EDP?
Ans :- Entrepreneurship Development Programme,
10) LERMS stands for –
Ans :- Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System,
11) What is the full form of NBFC?
Ans :- Non Banking Finance Companies,
12) RBI stands for –
Ans :- Reserve Bank of India,
13) RDBMS stands for –
Ans :- Relational Database Management System,
14) What is the full form of REC?
Ans :- Rural Electrification Corporation,
15) RFC stands for –
Ans :- Resident Foreign Currency,
16) What is the full form of RIDF?
Ans :- Rural Infrastructure Development Fund,
17) RRB stands for –
Ans :- Regional Rural Bank,
18) What is the full form of RWA?
Ans :- Risk Weighted Assets,
19) NRE stands for –
Ans :- Non Resident External Account,
20) NRI stands for –
Ans :- Non Resident Indian,
21) What is the full form of SDR?
Ans :- Special Drawing Rights,
22) SSI stands for –
Ans :- Small Scale Industries,
23) What is the full form of SME?
Ans :- Small and Medium Industries,
24) SSSBE stands for –
Ans :- Small Scale Service and Business Enterprises,
25) What is the full form of UTI?
Ans :- Unit Trust of India,
26) WPI stands for –
Ans :- Wholesale Price Index,
27) What is the full form of EDI?
Ans :- Electronic Data Interchange,
28) SLR stands for –
Ans :- Statutory Liquidity Ratio,
29) What is the full form of SLRS?
Ans :- Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers,
30) EMI stands for –
Ans :- Equated Monthly Instalments,
31) What is the full form of EPS?
Ans :- Earning per Share,
32) ESOP stands for –
Ans :- Employee Stock Options,
33) What is the full form of YTM?
Ans :- Yield to Maturity,
34) LAB stands for –
Ans :- Local Area Banks,
35) ALM stands for –
Ans :- Asset Liability Management,
36) What is the full form of ANBC?
Ans :- Adjusted Net Bank Credit,
37) ASBA stands for –
Ans :- Applications Supported Bank Accounts,
38) DPG stands for –
Ans :- Deferred Payment Guarantee,
39) What is the full form of DRI?
Ans :- Differential Rate Of Interest,
40) DSCR stands for –
Ans :- Debt Service Coverage Ratio,
41) What is the full form of FEDAI?
Ans :- Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India,
42) FOB stands for –
Ans :- Free On Board,
43) NPV stands for –
Ans :- Net Present Value,
44) What is the full form of DPN? v Ans :- Demand Promissory Note,
45) DRAT stands for –
Ans :- Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal,
46) What is the full form of OCB?
Ans :- Overseas Corporate Bodies,
47) POA stands for –
Ans :- Power of Attorney,
48) What is the full form of OLTAS?
Ans :- Online Tax Accounting System,
49) OMO stands for –
Ans :- Open Market Operations,
50) PACS stands for –
Ans :- Primary Agricultural Credit Societies,
51) What is the full form of PDO?
Ans :- Public Debt Office,
52) PIN stands for –
Ans :- Personal Identification Number,
53) What is the full form of ADB?
Ans :- Asian Development Bank,
54) ADR stands for –
Ans :- American Depository Receipt,
55) What is the full form of AFS?
Ans :- Annual Financial Statement,
56) AGM stands for –
Ans :- Annual General Meeting,
57) What is the full form of ASSOCHAM?
Ans :- Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India,
58) ATM stands for –
Ans :- Asynchronous Transfer Mode,
59) What is the full form of ATM?
Ans :- Automated Teller Machine,
60) BIS stands for –
Ans :- Bank for International Settlements,
61) What is the full form of BoP?
Ans :- Balance of Payments,
62) BSR stands for –
Ans :- Basic Statistical Returns,
63) What is the full form of CAD?
Ans :- Capital Account Deficit,
64) CAG stands for –
Ans :- Controller and Auditor General of India,
65) What is the full form of CBS?
Ans :- Consolidated Banking Statistics,
66) CII stands for –
Ans :- Confederation of Indian Industries,
67) What is the full form of CP?
Ans :- Commercial Paper,
68) CR stands for –
Ans :- Capital Receipts,
69) What is the full form of CRR?
Ans :- Cash Reserve Ratio,
70) CSIR stands for –
Ans :- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
71) CSO stands for –
Ans :- Central Statistical Organisation,
72) DBOD stands for –
Ans :- Department of Banking Operations and Development,
73) What is the full form of DD?
Ans :- Demand Draft,
74) DDS stands for –
Ans :- Data Dissemination Standards,
75) What is the full form of DI?
Ans :- Direct Investment,
76) DICGC stands for –
Ans :- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India,
77) What is the full form of DID?
Ans :- Discharge of Internal Debt,
78) DMA stands for –
Ans :- Departmentalized Ministries Account,
79) What is the full form of DRI?
Ans :- Differntial Rate of Interest Scheme,
80) DVP stands for –
Ans :- Delivery versus Payment,
81) What is the full form of ECB?
Ans :- External Commercial Borrowing,
82) ECB stands for –
Ans :- European Central Bank,
83) What is the full form of ECGC?
Ans :- Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation,
84) ECS stands for –
Ans :- Electronic Clearing Scheme,
85) What is the full form of EDMU?
Ans :- External Debt Management Unit,
86) EEA stands for –
Ans :- Exchange Equalization Account,
87) What is the full form of EEC?
Ans :- European Economic Community,
88) EPF stands for –
Ans :- Employees Provident Fund,
89) What is the full form of FCNRA?
Ans :- Foreign Currency Non-resident Account,
90) FCNRD stands for –
Ans :- Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit,
91) What is the full form of FDI?
Ans :- Foreign Direct Investment,
92) FEMA stands for –
Ans :- Foreign Exchange Management Act,
93) FII stands for –
Ans :- Foreign Institutional Investor,
94) What is the full form of FIMMDA?
Ans :- Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India,
95) FISIM stands for –
Ans :- Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured,
96) What is the full form of FLAS?
Ans :- Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey,
97) FOF stands for –
Ans :- Flow Of Funds,
98) What is the full form of FPI?
Ans :- Foreign Portfolio Investment,
99) FRA stands for –
Ans :- Forward Rate Agreement,
100) What is the full form of FRN?
Ans :- Floating Rate Note,
101) FSS stands for –
Ans :- Farmers’ Service Societies,
102) What is the full form of GDP?
Ans :- Gross Domestic Product,
103) GDR stands for –
Ans :- Global Depository Receipt,
104) What is the full form of GFD?
Ans :- Gross Fiscal Deficit,
105) GFS stands for –
Ans :- Government Finance Statistics,
106) What is the full form of GIC?
Ans :- General Insurance Corporation,
107) GLS stands for –
Ans :- Generalized Least Squares,
108) What is the full form of GoI?
Ans :- Government of India,
109) GPD stands for –
Ans :- Gross Primary Deficit,
110) What is the full form of G-Sec?
Ans :- Government Securities,
111) What is the full form of HDFC?
Ans :- Housing Development Finance Corporation,
112) HFT stands for –
Ans :- Held For Trading,
113) HICP stands for –
Ans :- Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices,
114) What is the full form of HO?
Ans :- Head Office,
115) HUDCO stands for –
Ans :- Housing and Urban Development Corporation,
116) What is the full form of IBRD?
Ans :- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
117) IBS stands for –
Ans :- International Banking Statistics,
118) What is the full form of ICAR?
Ans :- Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
119) ICICI stands for –
Ans :- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India,
120) What is the full form of ICMR?
Ans :- Indian Council of Medical Research,
121) What is the full form of IDB?
Ans :- India Development Bonds,
122) IDBI stands for –
Ans :- Industrial Development Bank of India,
123) What is the full form of IDD?
Ans :- Industrial Development Department,
124) IFAD stands for –
Ans :- International Fund for Agricultural Development,
125) What is the full form of IFC?
Ans :- International Finance Corporation,
126) IFCI stands for –
Ans :- Industrial Finance Corporation of India,
127) What is the full form of IFR?
Ans :- Investment Fluctuation Reserve Account,
128) IFS stands for –
Ans :- International Financial Statistics,
129) What is the full form of IGLS?
Ans :- Iterative Generalized Least Squares,
130) IIBI stands for –
Ans :- Industrial Investment Bank of India,
131) What is the full form of IIP?
Ans :- Index of Industrial Production,
132) IMD stands for –
Ans :- India Millennium Deposits,
133) What is the full form of IMF?
Ans :- International Monetary Fund,
134) INR stands for –
Ans :- Indian Rupee,
135) What is the full form of IOTT?
Ans :- Input-Output Transaction Table,
136) IP stands for –
Ans :- Interest Payment,
137) What is the full form of IRBI?
Ans :- Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India,
138) ISDA stands for –
Ans :- International Swaps and Derivative Association,
139) What is the full form of ISIC?
Ans :- International Standard Industrial Classification,
140) ISO stands for –
Ans :- International Standards Organization,
141) What is the full form of ITRS?
Ans :- International Transaction Reporting System,
142) LAF stands for –
Ans :- Liquidity Adjustment Facility,
143) What is the full form of LBD?
Ans :- Land Development Bank,
144) LBS stands for –
Ans :- Locational Banking Statistics,
145) What is the full form of LS?
Ans :- Level Shift,
146) LT stands for –
Ans :- Long Term,
147) What is the full form of LTO?
Ans :- Long Term Operation,
148) M1 stands for –
Ans :- Narrow Money,
149) What is the full form of M3?
Ans :- Broad Money,
150) MA stands for –
Ans :- Moving Average,
Some Important banking Abbreviation
Reviewed by ssc guru trick
August 17, 2017

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