One Word Substitution Starting with A
1 Ambidextrous Equally skillful with each hand
2. Alimony An allowance made to a wife by her husband when they are
legally separated
3. Anecdote A short but amusing story
4. Anteroom A large entrance or reception room or area
5. Anodyne Medicine which lessens pain
6. Addicted One who has become dependent on something or drugs
7. Adamant Very hard native crystal of carbon
8. Amoral Lacking any sense of moral standards or principles
9. Archive A building where government/public records are kept
10. Amphibian Operating or living on land and in water
11. Ambiguous Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible
12. Aspirant A person who has ambition for fame
13. Archaeology Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns
14. Archer A person who shoots with a bow and arrows
15. Architect A person who designs buildings and also supervises their
16. Antitheist or Atheist One who does not believe in god’s existence
17. Antipathy Strong dislike between two persons.
18. Ardent Full of zeal.
19. Archipelago Sea with a group of many islands.
20. Affirm Declare positively that something is true.
21. Amnesia Partial or total loss of memory.
22. Arbitrator/mediator One appointed by two parties to settle disputes between
23. Assent Official agreement to a proposal.
24. Astronaut One who physically travels in space
25. Agnostic One who believes that nothing can be said about god
26. Aquatic A plant that grows in water
27. Aviary g Place where birds are kept
28. Anarchist One who plans to destroy all Governments
29. Adultery Woman who has extra marital relationship
30. Aseptic Leading a life of self discipline
One word Substitution Starting with A
Reviewed by ssc guru trick
July 20, 2017

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